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Is Tree Pruning Sealer Necessary?

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    Sealer for tree pruning is a liquid that is painted onto the bark of a tree to prevent the bark from rotting and being colonised by insects. This article will assist you in determining whether or not tree pruning sealer is essential for the trees on your property.

    The response to this question is contingent on a wide range of considerations, including the kind of tree in issue, its location, and a host of other aspects. For instance, if you live in an area where there are many of insects that can harm the bark or if you live near seawater, then it is recommended that you use a sealant on your trees.

    If, on the other hand, you feel that these precautions are not required, you are free to exclude the product from your yearly regimen without feeling any guilt.

    Sealer for tree trimming is a substance that many people use to protect their trees from the damaging effects of the environment. However, you do not need to use a product of this kind in order to safeguard your tree because there are alternative options available.

    You might have better luck painting or wrapping your tree in plastic wrap as opposed to using a sealer to preserve it. Both of these strategies are equally efficient in safeguarding the tree, but neither of them has any long-term repercussions for the surrounding ecosystem or for any creatures that might consume the tree's leaves.

    The use of tree pruning sealer helps keep your trees healthy and safe by preventing water damage and insects from entering them. However, there is another technique to accomplish the same goal. You are able to paint or wrap your trees without causing damage to our world or the people who live on it. This article will help you make a decision about tree stumping and removal.  Here at Tree Amigo, we’re passionate about trees!

    Why Painting On Tree Pruning Sealer Is A Bad Idea

    For a very long time, it was customary practise to use a pruning sealer when trimming trees. This seemingly common-sense approach was advocated by trained arborists as well as nursery workers. Many homeowners have been under the impression for their entire lives that "safe" tree pruning requires an application of pruning sealer to be painted on the tree's limbs and branches before the process begins.

    No more. The practise of putting sealants to tree wounds is no longer recommended in the best practises of today. Now that we've established that it's a myth, let's talk about how it became a terrible practise in the first place and why it was formerly considered a tree bandage.

    What Is A Tree Pruning Sealer?

    A tree pruning sealer is a specifically formulated, water-resistant compound that is "painted" onto the exposed cut left on a limb or branch after it has been pruned. This protects the cut from further decay. People have been informed by arborists for a very long time, and in some cases this practise continues to this day, that any wounds on trees need to be treated with some sort of sealant.

    The tree pruning sealer functions similarly to a bandage in that it is intended to cover the wound. Their product package asserts that it will speed the healing of pruning cuts, reduce the amount of sap that is lost, and protect trees from rot, insects, and fungi.

    It was a simple Do-It-Yourself activity, and the product was (and still is) available at all garden and big box stores, which contributed to the widespread adoption of the practise among homeowners.

    In spite of the fact that the idea is sound in principle, Alex Shigo of the United States Forest Service carried out study in the late 1970s that demonstrated why pruning cuts must not to be painted. After the tree has been pruned, you should rather allow it to recover itself through its own natural processes.

    He emphasised how important it was to follow the appropriate procedures for pruning. He strongly suggested that a fresh cut be allowed to heal on its own without being covered with a wound dressing.

    Why Tree Sealant Fell From Grace

    Shigo's work was validated by subsequent research. As a direct consequence of this, modern arborists are taught to view the use of sealers as a questionable practise due to the fact that they make it more difficult for trees to recover from being pruned.

    It is essential to have an understanding that once trees have been injured, they do not really repair themselves. Instead, damage is compartmentalised by a process termed isolation, which is described by the University.


    The wound's margin is where the callus tissue first forms, and it eventually extends inward into the centre of the wound. When trees are pruned in the correct manner, the pruning wounds are gradually covered by new growth, which protects the trees from further damage.

    The majority of these sealant treatments are derived from petroleum; however, some of them may contain asphalt and trap moisture inside the tree wound; this may actually foster the development of more issues rather than preventing them. There are products on the market that promote the use of all-natural components, such as collagen, pectin, or aloe vera. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that they are beneficial to the tree.

    It is common knowledge that wound dressings composed of petroleum and asphalt:

    • lock in moisture and decay; occasionally act as a food supply for diseases; stop wound wood from forming; inhibit compartmentalisation; eventually crack, exposing the tree to pathogens; prevent wound wood from forming; prevent wound wood from forming.

    Even for people, they're not very entertaining.

    According to the safety data sheet for a well-known brand of product, because to the volatile combination of asphalt and solvent that they contain, they are able to:

    • They contain gas that is under pressure and have the potential to explode if they are heated.
    • Cause severe discomfort to the eye(s).
    • Irritate the skin in a harmful way.
    • Could lead to chromosomal abnormalities.
    • Potentially carcinogenic.

    The label instructs users to use skin and eye protection and to store the product in a location that is both cold and properly ventilated. As a result of these nuggets of information, it is now somewhat simpler to comprehend the rationale behind the recommendation that you discontinue the use of pruning sealer on your trees.

    Should You Seal Pruned Limbs At All?

    No, that's the simple answer to that question! Sealing trimmed limbs with pruning paint is not a good idea under any circumstances. It is in everyone's best interest to let them recover naturally through the processes of their own plant defence mechanisms.

    On top of that, why would you want to put a substance on your tree that can also be used to seal and waterproof rain gutters, roof flashings, wooden planters, the underside of a lawnmower deck, or even tiny parts of asphalt driveways? Do not apply whatever it is that you believe will be effective for these additional applications outside on a tree that is still alive. It is in the best interest of the tree, in my view, to be left alone so that it can "repair" itself.

    It is preferable to take preventative measures rather than to treat wounds caused by trimming. If you follow these guidelines, for instance, you can reduce the likelihood of problems occuring as a result of trimming.

    • Before and after you use pruning tools, make sure to give them a thorough cleaning using a solution that contains 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. This holds true regardless of the season in which you are performing the pruning or the species of tree that you are tending to.
    • After trimming, carefully removing and disposing of any troublesome limbs or branches is an important step in preventing the further spread of disease. Use only disease-free mulches and compost in your landscaping.
    • Cut cleanly and smoothly, taking care not to leave any stubs while maintaining the integrity of the branch collar. Worrying about tree removal? Then, Tree Amigos tree removal solution  is the right choice! 
    • Trees should have their branches pruned at the right time of year, particularly in the spring when they are still dormant and have not yet begun to grow leaves. Because of this, they are less likely to become infested with pests or catch illnesses.

    The Exception: Oak Trees

    Oak trees are susceptible to oak wilt in approximately 24 states, ranging from the Middle Eastern states southward. The damage may not be able to be repaired, making it potentially catastrophic. The fungus that is responsible for the disease is transported from tree to tree by Nitidulid beetles, who are drawn to the scent of the tree's sap. This allows the disease to rapidly spread.

    After that, the insects will go to another tree while carrying oak wilt fungus spores on their bodies and transmit the disease there. The fragrance of fresh sap can be immediately concealed by covering any trimmed branches as early as possible before the beetles start to scamper.

    It is not necessary to use specialised rubberized or petroleum sealants because the majority of other types of paint work just as well. Because oak tree wilt is such a worry in the area where he is stationed, the pruning of oak trees is discouraged from the months of February through June. Because the wound paint is only necessary for the first two to four days after the cut has been made, there is no need to reapply paint or to go out and paint old wounds. "The wound paint is only essential for the first two to four days after the cut has been made."

    How To Remove Pruning Sealer

    You are probably wondering right now if the application of a pruning sealer has resulted in irreversible harm to the trees in your yard. It's possible that you're also considering whether or not you should get rid of it. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple response to this question, and curiously, there isn't much conversation about it online either.

    if the pruning cuts on your trees previously had a sealer put to them, it is recommended that you remove the sealer if at all feasible. It is not possible to remove the sealer by merely peeling it off and throwing it away since the sealer has a chemical composition that prevents this.

    It is recommended that a fresh pruning cut be made on the branch in order to successfully remove the pruning sealer. Taking off the paint will reveal a fresh wound in the skin. It would not be necessary to make a new pruning cut that was very far below the previous one. If there is sufficient wood, perhaps a quarter to a half of an inch might be an appropriate thickness. Make sure the cut is clean and straight, and that any equipment you use have been sterilised.

    Is Tree Pruning Sealer Necessary?

    You have made the decision to trim the bushes and trees in the yard in order to give it a more organised appearance. You have amassed all of your supplies, and you are now prepared to set out. After that, an idea occurs to you...

    Is the use of tree pruning sealer required? No, the most recent research has showed that applying a sealer after you have pruned a plant can really create a wonderful protective place for insects and disease. This was discovered in today's modern research. In addition to completely hindering the process of becoming better.

    The defunct Forest Service Laboratory caused a significant paradigm change in the way that arborists and foresters think about trees. From the correct way to clip a branch to the question of whether or not employing pruning sealer was a good idea.

    Following all of his investigations, he came to the conclusion that utilising a pruning sealer was not helpful to the recovery process of the plant and, in most cases, would have the opposite effect. This was the conclusion that was reached. Nevertheless, there are always ways around the rules.

    How Does A Tree Heal Itself?

    Trees, unlike mammals, do not possess the ability to heal themselves, contrary to popular belief. Instead, the affected area should "grow over" the wound or cut. This growth surrounds the cut or wound, isolating it from the rest of the wood's good condition and preventing further infection.

    If you look at a tree that has been pruned or harmed in the past several years, you will observe that the previous cut is still visible, but the tree has grown new growth over the old cut as time has passed. This is because the tree is healing itself.

    The process through which the sap covers the area is a natural one that the tree goes through in order to provide temporary protection against decay and insects. After that, it will begin the process of growing wood over the cut as a callus in order to completely seal off that region and continue growing for many years to come. This process is similar to a wound healing.

    In the event that the tree was harmed by a storm or high winds, you might need to perform a more precise cut in order to make it simpler for the tree to cover the damaged location. Remember to make your cut just before the "collar" adjacent to the trunk, or if you are cutting off part of a broken branch, make your cut just before a fork or branch on the limb. If you are cutting off part of a damaged branch, make your cut just before the collar close to the trunk.

    If you leave a stub, it will take the tree a great deal more time to grow so that it covers the region. This is due to the fact that the stub will have to totally rot and fall off before the tree can grow over it and continue to cover it. This procedure may take several years, during which time you will be forced to look at the unsightly stub.

    How To Prevent Oak Wilt When Pruning


    It is true that there is an exception to every rule, and the situation with pruning sealers is not an exception. The oak species of trees, which belong to the genus Quercus, recover from wounds in the same manner as other tree genera, but the oak wilt disease is transmitted by insects that fall on freshly opened wounds.

    There are two ways that oak wilt can spread:

    • Method 1 –Oak wilt, which is caused by a fungus, is transmitted through the root systems of oak trees and spreads underground.
    • Method 2 –Sap beetles are responsible for the spread of oak wilt. These beetles carry the fungus from tree to tree as they fly. These beetles are drawn to the sap of oak trees that have just been chopped down or have been harmed.

    If you can merely keep the freshly cut area protected for seven to ten days, the oak tree will have had time to recover itself and will be in a better position to defend the territory.

    You can also get in touch with your community's Agricultural Extension Service to enquire about Oak Wilt and find out if it is even a problem in your region. Just type "Agricultural Extension Service" into Google, and you will get a list of all of the locations that are closest to you.

    The majority are connected to a nearby university and provide free access to information due to the fact that they are sponsored by land grants.

    You should seal the area as soon as possible once you have finished pruning a member of the oak family. This brings us full round to the topic of cutting sealers. Check this list of affordable Perth Arborist  to help you decide which services to choose.

    What Do You Put On A Tree Wound?

    If you are going to be pruning oak trees, you need to make sure that you use a pruning sealer right after you are done. There are a few different products available that can be used to seal the area. Bear in mind that the duration of the sealant's effectiveness need to be around ten days. It is just enough time for the oak tree to mend its wounds and stop producing the fresh sap that the beetles require in order to survive.

    Asphalt Sealers - Asphalt sealers are what the majority of people remember seeing when they were children. Asphalt sealers have been around for a long time. It is a sealer that is based on oil and has the appearance and odour of road tar. Even while this material will temporarily stop the sap from leaking out of the tree, which is what attracts the sap beetles, it will not assist the tree in the long run because it is an oil-based product, and do you really believe that helps a wound heal?

    Sealants Made of Latex – As an alternative to the oil-based sealants used in the past, we now have sealants made from latex. Sealers made of latex can achieve the desired result of preventing the sap from leaking and warding off insects until the oak tree has recovered on its own.

    Another alternative to take into consideration is the use of organic natural tree sealers. Keep in mind that the objective is to achieve a seal that will last for at least ten days on the freshly cut area. There are currently many different goods available that are a suitable match.

    Homemade Tree Pruning Sealers – If you Google "homemade tree pruning sealers," I'm sure you will find many different recipes and applications; however, there have been no tests that can confirm that they work well, so you are applying them at your own risk. Homemade tree pruning sealers are not recommended. It is likely that if it provides the tree with a complete seal for the required amount of time, it will prevent the attraction of sap beetles, which are responsible for the spread of the Oak Wilt disease.

    Using Household Paints as Sealers – This is something that can be done in an emergency, but it is not something that is encouraged. The problem is that paints are not made for live wood healing, and as a result, they will not permit the natural process that the tree goes through to take place as it should.

    Pruning Sealer Alternatives – Which Have Proven To Be Better

    It has been demonstrated through research conducted at a number of universities, agricultural extension services, and forestry services that it is much more beneficial to worry about how to prune properly as opposed to how much sealer to use or whether or not to apply any at all.

    If you prune the tree or shrub using the appropriate techniques, it will actually be able to recover from the wounds more quickly. As a result, the optimal conditions are created for the inherent capacity of the sap to perform its function of warding off pests. In addition, it is important for the plant to immediately cover the damaged region with new growth.

    You should make the cut for tree limbs that you prune at the trunk just before the "collar" that comes off the trunk and starts the limb. This will ensure that you get the best results.

    When you are trimming the tip of a branch, you will want to make your cut right next to a fork or another branch at a small angle. This will prevent water from pooling at the cut location.

    When working with shrubs, you should position your cuts such that they are almost touching a fork in the stem. Alternately, if it has numerous stems growing up from the ground, you will want to make the cut as close to the ground as possible and at a small angle (up to 45 degrees), so that water does not sit on the cut end of the plant.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Nothing. It is important to ensure that the region around the wound is free of any debris and has a clean edge so that the tree may mend more quickly. It's possible that you'll need a sharp knife or saw to produce a neat edge around the injured location, but that will depend on how much the bark around the injured area has been shredded or torn. In no way are sealers required to be used. Allow nature to take its course with the tree.

    It is true that it takes some time for a limb to organically rot to the point where it will fall off the tree, and during that time, you are opening the door for disease and rot to enter the healthy tissue of the tree. You can encourage the tree to cover the area more quickly by making sure the cut you make is neat and clean.

    If the branch is pruned in the appropriate manner, there is no chance that it will grow back. The tree will eventually grow back over the damaged spot, protecting it from further damage and infections while it does so. In the event that it is not pruned in the appropriate manner, there is a remote possibility that new growth would sprout by the cut region.

    The process of tree pruning involves removing branches from a tree that are either dead, diseased, or injured. In addition to these functions, it can guide the tree's growth, encourage fruit production, and enhance the tree's look. Shears and saws are examples of hand-held instruments that are typically utilised throughout the tree pruning process.

    On the other hand, power tools such as chainsaws can be utilised for cutting through heavier branches. When you are pruning a tree, the thing you need to keep in mind that is most crucial is to make sure that the cut is made in the precise location. Otherwise, you run the risk of doing more harm than good to the situation. When in doubt, it is advisable to get advice from a trained arborist who specialises in the field.

    In decision trees, pruning is vital because it helps to minimise overfitting, which can be disastrous. When a model is overfit, it means that it has been adjusted to the training data too precisely; as a result, the model does not generalise very well when applied to fresh data. This may result in an inadequate performance on the test data.

    When a tree is pruned, it is trimmed to make it simpler and more effective, which helps to prevent the tree from being overfit. As a consequence of this, trimmed trees have a lower probability of overfitting the data and a higher probability of doing well with fresh data. To construct decision trees that may generalise well, therefore, pruning is a necessary step.

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